Help fund our most exciting project yet!

Help us raise £200 to source local, sustainable timber.

Raised so far

Changing our view of the Stone Age...

We’ve just embarked on one of our most exciting projects yet — building a 5,000 year-old Stone Age structure with some of the most incredible and unique evidence we’ve ever seen.

Could this change the way our visitors (and maybe even our archaeologists) see the Stone Age?

Follow the construction of this incredible building from start to finish, and help directly fund the project, by signing up as a supporter today!

A Neolithic shrine?

Near two wood henges and with traces of paint on the walls, could this building have been a shrine?

Cutting-edge research

We'll be following archaeological evidence to test the limits of Neolithic tools and techniques

Unique evidence

This site boasts tantalising clues, which we'll be following to bring the structure to life

Follow the project!

Join us on the experiment with monthly videos following the project from start to finish

Funding local timber

We’re hoping to raise £200 to help fund the locally-sourced timber we’re using for the project.

We’ll be using a mix of ash, cherry, oak, and hazel wood in the build. They’re all native trees and will be sustainably sourced by local woodsmen.

Although it’s called the Stone Age, it’s wood that’s the real star. Almost every part of this building will be made out of wood, so we need lots of it!

Sourcing the right wood is really important for this experiment — and getting it the right way is equally important. We hope you’ll join us for this experiment!

Ways to support

Scout (£2.99)

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Explorer (£5.99)

Get exclusive access to a second new video a month, plus immediate access to bonus videos & the whole back catalogue!

Pioneer (£7.99)

Enjoy everything from the Explorer tier, plus early access to tickets for our biggest sell-out events & festivals!

Hero (£11.99)

Go above and beyond, and know you're helping fund our most exciting projects — and safeguarding our future!

All prices are monthly. Explore annual subscriptions here.

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Discover our award-winning archaeological experiments and help fund more breakthroughs in our understanding of the past!

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We also have our free Butser Blog, which covers some of our more technical adventures!

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You’re already supporting, just by being here and being interested 💚  Sharing our work, telling folks about what we do, leaving reviews online — we really appreciate all of it!

For the more hands-on, we have a wonderful volunteers team who help with all sorts of things on site. Find out more 🡪