This is my archive

Can Plants Bring A Community Together?

Our crop field could use some vegetables! Our local community get together to learn about plants, help us with gardening and try the art of botanical printing. Read More

How Did Our Ancestors Survive Without a Fridge?

Zap! You've just been transported 1,000 years back in time. How do you keep your ham sandwiches from going funky without a fridge? From salting to smoking, we explore how our ancestors kept their food fresh. Read More

The Best of Beltain 2024

Happy Beltain! We've been celebrating this ancient festival at Butser for over 40 years -- was 2024 the best one yet? Watch the highlights from this special summer's day! Read More

We Planted 1,000 Native Trees

Butser is now home to some new trees -- planted by the community! We gathered together with 100 volunteers to plant 1,000 native UK trees like crab apple, hawthorn, hazel, and more. Read More

What Were These Stone Age Artefacts?

We're recreating some artefacts -- but we don't know what they were. Why were they buried with kids? What are the designs on them? And how do you create something so intricate with only stone tools? Read More

Archaeotech 2023

It's Archaeotech! Join us for a whirlwind tour of just some of the incredible hands-on experimental archaeology projects and classes, and see over 10,000 years of technology all in one place! Read More

All About Roman Plants

Our formal Roman garden is finally open! Join us as we explore many of the plants used in the new garden -- find out more about the ones we've chosen, what the Romans would have used them for, and why the Romans were so fond of putting leaves on their heads... Read More

Equinox Viking Boat Burn 2023

It's the end of summer, and the peace in our cosy Saxon village is shattered by Viking invaders. Who will win -- the Saxon warriors defending their homes, or the Vikings determined to take it from them? Relive the magic of Equinox Viking Boat Burn 2023! Read More

How Does Farming With Flint Work?

The team is back to harvest our ancient crops! But this time, it's not the crops we're so interested in -- it's the tools. How does harvesting with flint tools work, and what can we learn about early farming by doing it ourselves? Read More

Are We Getting Baby Goats?

We're hoping for baby goats! Earlier this year, proven buck Hogan got his flirt on with our three ladies, and we've spent the summer getting excited for goat kids. But surprising events threw us an unexpected twist... Read More