This is my archive

3: How Do You Make A Building Without Metal Nails?

Those Anglo-Saxons knew a thing or two about working with wood, as Darren, our resident Treewright shows us. Read More

3: Fitting the Window

The skin window is finally completed and is ready to be installed. Read More

2: Fire-Smoking Salmon in a Roundhouse

In the second part of this video, Simon creates a natural framework from hedgerow branches of hazel to hang his fish for smoking. Read More

2: Hand-Crafting Plank Walls

Watch as our Anglo-Saxon house starts to really take shape with hand crafted bulwarked walls. Read More

2: Making a Skin Window

The skin window starts to come together with two of our team's expert help. Read More

1: How to Prepare a Salmon for Fire Smoking

We know ancient people preserved their food by smoking it, but what's the best way to actually do that? Simon takes us through the Butser winter tradition of hand-smoking salmon in a roundhouse. Read More

Making a Stone Age Tool

Find out more about how our ancient ancestors made tools with Butser Ancient Farm’s resident flint knapping expert Mark Havey. Read More

1: What Did an Ancient Window Look Like?

We experiment with turning raw-hide into a window covering for our Stone Age Horton House. Read More

1: Splitting a Tree Trunk by Hand

Watch as Darren and Julian talk us through the beautiful and mesmerising art of splitting this huge log into usable timber. Read More

Coppicing an Ancient Woodland

Darren explains how he manages an ancient woodland full of hazel and ash, some of which is 500 years old. Read More